Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Milk does a body good!

The fear of the unknown is starting to set in.

What will childbirth feel like?
Should I get an epidural?
What are the best diapers to get?
I thought colic was a vegetable?
Contractions or Braxton Hicks?
Breastfeeding do’s and don’ts?
Will the room be ready?
Will we get all we need before he gets here?
WHEN will he get here?!

And that’s just to name a few…

However, I think some of these fears will be relieved soon enough. Neal and I are attending our first class on Friday. Because we’ve chosen to breastfeed, our doctor suggested a class at Baptist Hospital all about breastfeeding. We go on Friday night, and truthfully we don’t know what to expect from the class, but I’m hoping a lot of my questions and anxieties will be relieved.

It’s always surprising to me how many people ask me if I’ll breastfeed. I thought maybe it was personal question, but I’m learning fast that it’s a common pregnancy topic. Honestly, I’ve never questioned my desire to breastfeed. Both Neal and I were breastfed babies, and I think my husband borderlines on brilliant and I’m not so bad myself. I know research and studies support that it’s the best things for the bonding experience, for antibodies and immune health and not to mention its cheaper. Those are a just a few of many pro’s to breastfeeding.
But deep down, I just feel like it’s the right and natural thing to do.

Case in point…
Neal and I were driving down a country road last weekend and passed a horse farm. We pulled up next to the white picket fence and watched these beautiful baby horses awkwardly stand next to their mothers. And then they started to feed. How do those babies know to do that? Those horses didn’t take classes or instruction from people. They just do it. Because it’s nature. I mean, why else would the female body be able to produce milk? To me, there’s never been any question that this would be our plan. I just hope its baby Neal’s plan too.
Feed me momma!

So that class is on Friday night. I’m looking forward to it and hoping Neal isn’t too scarred by the experience. I’ve heard all sorts of horror stories about watching “graphic” videos from the 80’s and secretly I’m sure the men are hoping for a real live example. Haha. Sick, I know. I’ll have to update yall next week once we’ve taken it.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Nursery Update

One of the biggest questions I get is how our nursery is coming along. Actually, it’s short of harassment from friends and family. J

Well, I can tell you that my amazing husband surprised me a few weeks ago by basically gutting the office-turned-nursery room while I was at an appointment. If you had seen the “before” state, then you would know why this was such a huge accomplishment. The office furniture in there will be put on craigslist this weekend and the painter comes Monday to paint. We’re in the midst of getting a second bid on the carpet and once that is replaced, then the room will be ready for loads of baby furniture, clothing and things.

I have been taking pictures of the room, which I’ll post once complete because the “before” picture is too embarrassing to do now, and I’ll need some redemption when it’s complete.

I’ve been warned about this “nesting” phase that most moms go through. I can tell you that it’s starting to settle in. I’m getting very anxious about getting everything done before Baby Neal makes his big appearance. I feel like I’m running out of time because these weeks are just flying by. If he came tomorrow, I don’t know where I’d put him. And that does weigh on me quite a bit.

But on a good note, there are a few baby showers being planned and I should feel better after those because all we have is the bedding, a few outfits and a box of diapers. It will be welcome relief to get a jump on some of the necessities that Baby Neal will need.

I’ve said it before, but it just amazes me how one little baby could need SO many things. I’m just praying we have everything we need before he’s welcomed into the world!


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pregnancy Parody

Tina Fey, quite possibly one of the funniest women today, hosted this weeks Saturday Night Live. Being tired and very pregnant, I tried my hardest to stay up for the entire show. I won’t lie, I only made it about 20 minutes in. But I like to think I saw one of the best parts.

Tina Fey was doing her SNL intro and she was showing off one of those sickeningly perfectly round baby bumps.

Sidenote: I was just having a break down this morning to my husband because I noticed a few small, red stretch marks appearing. I started freaking out. I don’t want these things. All these famous women have perfectly round, gleaming bellies. Show me one famous person with stretch marks on their bellies?! SHOW ME!!

Moving on…

Tina brought out Maya Rudolph, who is also very pregnant and has one of those magazine pregnant bellies. They greeted each other by saying:

Maya:  “Hi Tina, thanks for having me”
Tina: “Yeah, that’s what the baby will be saying!”

They then burst into song about their unborn children. This video is a must see. (The song starts about 1:50 into it.) I hope you’ll laugh as much as I did. Pregnant or not!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I'm still alive

I promise! :)

It's been a crazy last few weeks as we head into the third trimester of my pregnancy. I've got alot of thoughts and blogs on the way! Stay tuned!
