Thursday, December 30, 2010

Introducing... Lil' Baby Harris!

If you haven’t heard already – Neal and I are expecting our first baby!!!! !!!!!  !!
If you can’t tell from my exorbitant amount of exclamation points, we are tickled pink! (Or blue. We’re not sure yet.) But either way, the Harris family is excited as can be!

First, I want to thank everyone for all the kind words the last few days. It’s still a shock to us, and I know a lot of you are shocked for ME. Haha! “Jenn, pregnant?!” Oh yes yall, pregnant.

We are due July 30th, which is God’s lil’ way of laughing at me. I despise heat. Summer has never been my friend and the thought of being 9 months pregnant in the peak of the summer heat is nauseating at best. But the blessing of becoming a mother outweighs that and I am very much looking forward to carrying and caring for this child.

Neal and I had our first ultrasound December 27th. I waited for what seems like an eternity for that day. I rushed through Christmas just to get to that day, and it was a beautiful, perfect moment.

With this being our first child, everything is a new experience to us. Being 10 weeks along, I can’t really tell there’s a baby growing inside of me. I “know” because of the nasty symptoms that come with the first trimester like nausea, headaches (migraines for me) and extreme fatigue. But obviously, I can’t “feel” anything yet. Having that first ultrasound changed it all for us.

As you know, Neal and I were both raised in strong Catholic families. We attended church weekly. We have a strong core of faithful beliefs that we have chosen to carry through in our adult lives.  Personally, I already had my views on things like faith and God. But seeing our baby for the first time, wiped away any doubt I may have ever had.

When “Baby Niblet” (as we call him/her) popped up on that black and white screen, I held my breath until the tech pointed out its beating heart. I felt mine beating just as fast. I looked at that precious lil’ bean and thought to myself, “My God, you really do make miracles.” And it didn’t stop at just the heart beat. All of a sudden, Baby Niblet starting waving its little hand at us, and I… lost it. I laughed. I cried. And when I looked at my husband, Neal, this whole moment felt complete. Right about then, Baby Niblet started kicking those lil’ feet. It is a moment we will never, ever forget.

I am so thrilled to share this journey with you all. I’m bound to make the best out of it, even if it my views are funny and even dysfunctional at times. Thanks again for the all your support and most importantly, your prayers. Here’s to a safe and healthy next 7 months of our lives as we prepare for the biggest event of our lives!

<3 Jenn (and Neal and Lil’ Baby Niblet!)


  1. The best moments of your life are about to come! I am so excited for you!!!!! :)

  2. So happy for you both. Lots of love and prayers.
